Saturday, September 4, 2010


You know those days when you wake up really really late and everything, right from finding your pants, to the auto driver, seem to be completely against you reaching office on time?

I just had that day today.:| My company bus generally comes to my stop at 12.40. And guess when I woke up? 12.45!! Oh my god! I slept 11 hours straight! I was so shocked! At first I thought it was Saturday and I didn’t have to wake up early. Then I realized no, it was Friday. After that, I thought my clock was malfunctioning! Man! The excuses a mind can come up with! :D Anyway, I finally checked my phone and damn, it really was 12.45 and NOT a Saturday. So as usual, I panicked. I called a very good friend of mine (who, ironically, misses her buses quite often), and frantically asked her what I should do!!!! She asked me to reach a particular location by 1 o’clock, as quite a few buses go that way. 1 o’clock? That’s’ like 15 minutes away!! She called me up again and asked me if I wanted her to get down her bus. And I said hell yesss!!! Yayy!! I had company!!

Anyway, I got ready pretty fast and ran out of home and didn’t realize my phone got switched off. Its been acting pretty weird a LOT now-a-days. (see? Everything against you?) So before I realized that, I got into an auto to get me to that place. I agreed to pay him 30 bucks, but when I checked my wallet, I had only 20! This was one of the rare occasions I wished even the auto drivers accepted plastic money. My god, can the day get any worse? Apparently, it could. When I switched on my phone, my friend again called me up, telling me that she didn’t get down at that place, but she had spoken to the transport department and they said a bus would be coming along in sometime. So that was good news. The bad news was that I was ten bucks short of paying the auto driver that amount!! And obviously it wasn’t a small amount for them, nor, as I learnt today, for us. I had initially thought I would borrow it from my friend, but she didn’t get down! Now what? I told her I was out of cash and being the sweetheart that she is, she got down at another location and asked me to come there.

Now, my auto driver was so understanding, that even after I told him I missed my bus and had to catch it, he drove slower than a bullock cart. I was so so frustrated! And when I asked him to go a little faster, he had the cheek to yell back and say that there was too much traffic! Dude, what are the other vehicles doing? I retaliated a little, due to which he refused to come till the second location!! Aargghh!! Why, of all the auto's I could get into, I had to get into this auto???????? Anyway, he said he wouldn’t come and called another auto. What about the ten bucks? I borrowed it from the other auto driver and gave it to him. Yeah, pretty pathetic, I know. But hey, I’m not always late!

So FINALLY I reached the place where my friend was waiting. And she paid the auto driver. Phew! I was just so relieved! :D we called the transport dept once again and found out that the bus would take another 25 minutes to reach our location. Now, since we had nothing else to do, we decided to have Pani Puris. We just had the last of them when the bus which was supposed to stop for us just passed by us without stopping! Oh my god no!!!!We called the transport again (we called them a lot of times :D), and told ,actually partly whined, partly accused them, that we were waiting for the bus and it just passed by us without stopping! And he patiently told us that there was another bus of the same number on its way, which hadn’t even crossed my house yet. Ah! So relieving! :)

Anyhow, the rest of the day went by pretty well. I actually had a lot of fun at office! :) so all in all, great day!

What did I learn? Being late sometimes can be fun too!! :D It’s ok to be late once in a while and experience such crazy crazy stuff! Cheers all!! Be crazy! :D


  1. ha ha ha i guess u had a amazing experience..

    love the way u have put it across appy...

    gone through the same situation on final exam of my first year luckly the exam was delayed coz papers didnt reach :P ..

  2. omg !!!!!!!!! that was hilarious Appy...what a day ?? hahahaha i want the ditto to happen to me one i tell awesumly written i culd easily imagine the way you described it...:) well done ! you just missed one word..find out urself!

  3. Lol !! Its now tht I wz able te understand wat ikjactly hppnd with yu. Can't believe tht yu actually did so much jst te come te office ? Good. This shud be one of the points te be taken into consideration in yur Awards and appraisal.

  4. hahahhahaha ...
    i must say ..VERY WELL WRITTEN ..:):) ...
    and i read it out in the office ...bharani was laughing her ass off tht shows how well u wrote it .... * applaude * ...i could easily imagine u going through all of it :):) :D ...amazing ..
    love youuuuuuuuuuu ...

  5. hahaha!! thaaank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! :D :D

  6. It was mind blowing.... the way you have put it across is awesome.. love alll your blogs... keep posting...!!:-)
