Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where are we now!! ??

Imagine that you are completely stressed out one day, completely exhausted. And on your way back from office or college, you see a baby and he/she gives you a million dollar, cute, totally adorable toothless smile!  Doesn’t it lift your mood? And cheer you up in an instant? Doesn’t it give you the confidence that your situation not as bad as it looks and that yes I can handle any thing? That’s the power of smile. And I think most of us have forgotten how to smile more often or we just feel that it’s not important anymore.
I recently had my haircut in one of the so-called “professional” salons. Since it is one of those posh places, smiles are almost nonexistent.  Of course, the person at the reception was friendly and sure, he was smiling, but the others were stone faced. My stylist was a little arrogant. Though for what reason, I’m totally clueless *rolling eyes*. But there was this one person who smiled so genuinely, he touched my heart.  he was the person who opened the door for us when we entered the salon. So down to earth, so sweet, so likeable. He seemed so happy with what he was doing! It felt as if nothing gave him more pleasure than smiling at us! It was so nice to see a friendly face there. I won’t ever forget him. 
But why is it that smiles are becoming so rare? Why is it that throwing attitiude (not smiling and turning up ur nose) means people respect them? Why is that smiling and being friendly means people take you granted? Why is it that we are inceasingly becoming so materialistic? And actually judging people based on how well off they are? Now-a-days, its even common for people to not like someone just because they aren’t sophisticated. I mean how shallow can they get. And the vibes they send out! People have become so self-centered. Thinking only what we feel is right. Inconsiderate about the other person’s plight, so into ourselves!
The incident I want to narrate took place when I was on my way to college in a bus. For anyone who has travelled in an RTC bus on a college going day knows how crowded it can get. So anyway, it was one of the extra crowded days and the bus was packed. And a differently abled person got onto the bus. Now generally, it’s basic courtesy that you get up and offer him your seat. I was so shocked to see that no one got up to give him a seat! :O thankfully, I was sitting in a seat so I got up and he could sit. But seriously? Where’s all the basic humanity gone? And it was mostly college going girls! If they think they cannot stand because the bus is too crowded, then they should have thought about how difficult it would have been for that person, who walks with a clutch, to stand and survive the drive (the bus drivers of Hyderabad aren’t the most careful ones on roads :P)!
This is where we have become so insensitive towards others. This is where we are so caught up thinking about our problems, our issues, that we fail to help another person who is in greater need of our support and guidance.
So why is it so difficult to think of others before ourselves? Its because of our fear of being used by others; being made a fool of without knowing; being taken for granted. Oh sure, we can give 100’s of reasons for not doing it; we don’t know how people really are, its not safe to get friendly and blah blah blah. But deep down, its our insecurity that makes us behave in a certain way. But we’re forgetting the most important thing… not everyone is bad. For people who have read the book called “ the secret” by Rhonda Bryne will know that what you think about the most, you attract that the most and that’s what you end up experiencing that very situation. So if you’re going to keep thinking “ oh my god, all the peole are bad and they want to harm me in some way or that other”, that’s what you’ll get. On the other hand, if you think “ all the people I meet are so nice and helpful”, that’s what you will attract and receive! My dad’s the perfect example. He’s always so positive and calm, and he’s friendly with every body- and when I say everybody I mean everybody. He doesn’t have a single negative opinion about anything or anyone! And guess what? All the people he meets are the best people any one can ever meet! Its so surprising, but there it is!! Its all in our attitude.
Its not wrong to give that extra smile to an unknown person. Its not difficult to be kind to others. Its not impossible to go a little out of your way to help another person out. Its not impractical to think a little more about others and lesser about ourselves …
So let’s all decide (and I’m NOT preaching), at least once a day, we will do something for others, to make them happy. Think more of them and less of us. We will feel so good, so joyous if we do something for others.  it will make the other person glad to have us in his/ her life. And most important, we will feel completely satisfied.
Cheers all!!   And keep smiling!!    


  1. amazing work:):) ...and really nice topic :):):)
    lets make some difference :):):)

  2. One of my early childhood lesson taught to me by my parents was...To not live for yourself but for others :) To make others happy and in turn it will make you happy :) with time I started preaching it n I realized how right they are...But, i feel sad seeing the generation's no more like this...what you have said Appy it's so true...where have all those beautiful innocent smiles doing wonders to others gone ?? where has humanity vanished ?? The basic courtesy isn't left !! I am glad i am not one of them n everyone knows what charm my smile holds :)

    Topic chosen is really nice have done a commendable job :) ?Just wish people after reading this realize what a big change they need to bring in themselves to live a HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE :)

  3. awesomeness !!! am sooo proud of my appy :) love !

  4. nice my GF3..

    Insecurity and the fear of humiliation thats wat causing us to forget our basic humanity and think only abt ourselfs..

    A simple smile and a joy ful face.. like the one u and pragna give when i meet u guys.. it refreshes me out..

    SMILE and let out all the worries and make others happy tooo...


    as u requested I posted a comment.. when is my KFC treat ???

  5. haha!! thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much guys!! :) :)
    @harsha: oh shut up.. jab dehko kfc kfc.. get a life.. :P

  6. n i so did NOT ask u 2 comment u cheapo..
